Monday, January 4, 2010

i love this boy

I love this boy.
I love him with everything I am.
with all my heart and soul.
with every step.
with every breath.

Ian - my 16-year-old son, beautiful man-child - has had a rough couple months. he had a flu back in October from which he never 100% recovered. school (always easy for him) became difficult. he has been without energy; so opposite his normal, vibrant, outgoing self.
to say I have been concerned is an understatement.

today, we found out he has mono. I can't imagine how things will balance out with him missing even more school.
but the diagnosis explains so much.

we went on a little hike in Eaton Canyon, Pasadena, on New Year's Eve day (that night, he had a 104 fever).
Ian climbed up next to this waterfall.
in my mind and heart, this is exactly how I see him.

I love you, Ian.
feel better.


  1. ...THIS is one of the most beautiful photos i've ever seen...& your sentiment just...lovely...i'm thrilled you crossed my path...& look forward to sharing 2010 with you...& your talents...and GOOD HEALTH blessings to Ian...

  2. 'Life is slippery...' I love you and miss you guys! Sending you lots of good thoughts and hugs your way! <3
